Does Trump side with Serbia or Kosovo, Politika asks: Even before the elections polls showed the Serbs to be the nation that most supported ...
Admitting new countries is also a way for the EU to limit unwanted influence, the Kleine Zeitung notes: Now it is only Kosovo that must ...
The real loser here is the Serbian president, Jutarnji list notes: The escalation occurred only ten days after the unsuccessful latest ...
The EU's diplomatic approach vis-à-vis this Balkan hotspot isn't working, writes The Guardian: Brussels and Washington appear to have ...
The decision to send extra KFOR troops is justified, says Le Temps: Since the end of the Kosovo War in 1999, this piece of land inhabited ...
Erich Rathfelder, Balkans correspondent for the taz, says the agreement is a farce: The Europe of the EU is now openly advocating the ...
Večernji list, on the other hand, says it is unlikely that the document will be approved today: If Serbia and Kosovo were to accept the EU- ...
People in Serbia are also slowly realising that a solution must somehow be found to the Kosovo issue, notes: The atmosphere in ...
The proposal is just a temporary solution, Jutarnji list explains: Serbia does not have to recognise Kosovo, but it is expected to refrain ...
Diena comments: Belgrade's recognition of Kosovo would, if at all, only influence the feelings of European pro-separatists, and even then ...