Even the use of chemical weapons in Syria eleven years ago didn't wake us up to the horrors, Le Point admonishes: In 2013 Bashar al-Assad ...
El País demands action: At the end of June a delegation from Kabul – without women or representatives of civil society – took part in the ...
Diena discusses the challenge the West faces here: In Western countries in particular, the Taliban are regarded as radical Islamists and ...
In addition to the participation of Russian athletes, Jyllands-Posten sees a number of other problems: The IOC's erroneous conclusions also ...
The attack in Moscow makes clear how fundamentalist IS-Khorasan is, Dagens Nyheter explains: In a statement, IS-K describes the act in ...
Expresso points to the dangers of Israel occupying Gaza: If Israel follows the US path and engages in an endless and diffuse 'war on ...
In its editorial, Le Monde sees a trend confirmed: Two years after the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, another Western power is being ...
Anticipating a protracted crisis, La Croix praises France's response: Given the extreme weakness of the opposition, this state of affairs ...
Gazeta Wyborcza is not surprised: Restrictions on women's access to universities had been in the cards for several months. Initially it was ...
No matter how many soldiers Putin sends to fight in the Ukraine war it won't be enough for him to win, observes Karar: He mobilised ...