European press roundup
Correspondents in all the EU member states as well as the UK, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine monitor more than 500 print and online media across the entire political spectrum and translate excerpts from opinion pieces. Political, economic and social issues are continually examined from different perspectives. Brief introductions supply background information on the debates. Links to the original texts and media are also provided.
The press review is published Monday to Friday in German, English, French, Russian and Turkish. You can sign up to receive it as as an email newsletter or RSS feed for free.
A database provides information about more than 500 print and online media in over 30 countries, including details about their political profile, publishers and circulation figures. It also contains detailed descriptions of Europe's media landscapes.
euro|topics is a project of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb). The opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of the bpb, nor do the views in the linked websites reflect those of the bpb.
The press review has been contributing to the creation of a European public sphere since 2005. It has been produced by the journalist network n-ost since 2008.
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The activities of the Federal Agency for Civic Education focus on raising public awareness of democracy and political participation. Current and historical topics are dealt with at events, in publications and through online projects. Its wide range of educational initiatives aim to motivate citizens, enable them to take a critical stance on political and social issues and encourage active participation in political life.
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Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Präsident Thomas Krüger
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn