The actions of the US leadership could trigger processes that ultimately harm the country's interests, according to Spotmedia: Nobody knows ...
There is a gap between theory and practice in Europe, digital expert Borja Adsuara Varela explains in El País: The problem is the practical ...
The Assange case does not bode well for the future of press freedom, the Irish Examiner warns: It's hard not to be shaken by the charge the ...
The Independent has a clear answer to the question of whether Assange should be extradited to the US: Imagine another scenario. An American ...
Die Welt would like to see measures that go beyond the Common European Asylum System (CEAS): The CEAS is just the first step towards a ...
From the point of view of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the clear rejection was logical: Why? Because as a government politician you can't ...
In Público, football coach Mariana Cabral praises the efforts of Spain and England for women's football: The most notable investments of ...
El Periódico de Catalunya is unenthusiastic: With this move the so-called 'Anglosphere' aims to continue with a specific policy for ...
China could trigger a world war if it tries to invade Taiwan, the Spotmedia blog fears: This could not be done without triggering a huge ...
The Spectator, by contrast, believes the ruling could enable the British government to achieve the central goal of its asylum policy: That ...