Under no circumstances should the EU abandon its Green Deal, Les Echos warns: Of course it's not perfect, and it's far from complete. But ...
The idea of a separate Brics currency has gained little support among the member states so far, writes Telegraf: Only Russia is subject to ...
In the decade since the trial began, Ricardo Salgado has developed dementia. Expresso argues that forcing him to appear in court is ...
La Stampa sees nationalism as a hurdle: For years the ECB and the European Banking Authority (EBA) have been calling for cross-border ...
Europe must not get caught up in the details, warns La Stampa: Yesterday's sensible interest rate cuts by the ECB can do little to ...
eldiario.es explains what the new central bank head should push for: There is no conflict of interest when you go from being a minister to ...
The Portuguese government is wrong to propose former Finance Minister Maria Luis Albuquerque, who pushed through a tough austerity ...
Libération distinguishes between the short and long-term effects: In any case this decision won't have an impact on the European economy ...
Correio da Manhã calls on the government to respond by investing in the state-regulated housing market: The package actually contains some ...
Clearly the sanctions are having an effect after all, Corriere della Sera comments: This is obvious in these hours: an extraordinary summit ...