The Guardian does not consider it a good idea to finance higher defence spending by cutting development aid, as British Prime Minister ...
Development aid is more than just a money matter, the Frankfurter Rundschau explains: It is also structural aid that stabilises countries, ...
Mayotte exemplifies the plight of poverty, says Le Soir: Any child would understand that the poorest, the most vulnerable, the undocumented ...
Der Standard is not convinced by the Knesset's plan: The allegations of terrorism made by Israel concerning the events of 7 October 2023 ...
The Guardian publishes this appeal from an anonymous Afghan aid worker: Humanitarian support is dictated not by voices within Afghanistan ...
Commenting in France Inter, columnist Gallagher Fenwick analyses what's at stake for Haiti: For the world's first independent black ...
For Lidové noviny the scandal is no coincidence: If the US, the UK, France, Italy and Germany stop funding UNRWA, it's probably not because ...
Dagens Nyheter calls on Sweden to keep financial aid flowing to Gaza: The aid goes specifically to forces that counter radicalisation and ...
Hospodářské noviny demands an immediate end to EU aid for the Palestinians: When a civilised person is faced with the choice of ...
France's sphere of influence is disappearing, writes Die Presse: Françafrique, consisting of the French-speaking former colonies, is ...