Spotmedia suspects Russia is behind the robbery: The incident could further fuel tensions between Romania and its European allies. This ...
Marta Sofia dos Santos, director of the popular tourist destination Chillon Castle on Lake Geneva, describes why Amsterdam's museums can ...
Clear words without insult would have been better, says The Daily Telegraph: Mr Sunak, in our view, rightly believes the sculptures should ...
Those who want to make things happen cannot always stay within the fold, the Kleine Zeitung reminds readers: Whether in the worldwide ...
Those responsible are hiding behind a collective, fumes Die Presse: Freedom, also in art, depends on assuming responsibility. On the fact ...
In Belgium the new school year is beginning with pupils aged twelve and above required to wear masks and a ban on school trips to cultural ...
Turkey is divided between diametrically opposite orientation points, comments Hürriyet Daily News: At the same hours as crowds were ...
Artists and cultural institutions are making more and more contents available online. But online experiences cannot permanently replace ...
Público fears a new wave of admiration for the dictator: The greatest danger of this initiative is the way the dictator is dealt with in ...
German Chancellor Merkel was right to have the Nolde paintings removed, Die Presse comments, but at the same time defends the pictures ...