The reconstruction of the cathedral should be seen in a positive light despite France's current woes, Le Quotidien insists: Schools lack ...
There are cleverer and more efficient ways of using painting, literature and culture in the fight against climate change, La Libre Belgique ...
The weekly Freitag criticises that the exhibiton fails to ask a key question: The pictures are bad art. They use clumsy, self-evident ...
Such acts are the result of many detrimental influences, writes Damien Conzelmann, a student of law and economics, in Contrepoints: While ...
Vedomosti worries about the fate of the unique Byzantine frescoes in the Hagia Sophia: For nine centuries, this was the most magnificent ...
Merkel's decision is the right one, Gazeta Wyborcza comments: Without doubt, in this case for Merkel it's better to be safe than sorry. She ...
The daily paper L'Evénement Précis, which is based in Benin, explains what Africa must learn from the mistakes of the past: The crux of the ...
The record price for Salvator Mundi is a consequence of the global low interest rate policy, the Wiener Zeitung concludes: Art dealer ...
The absurd court ruling shows once again how arbitrary interpretations of the principle of secularism can be, lawyer and essayist ...
Stipulating the design of Rakvere's Christmas tree in the municipal coalition agreement is a mistake, Maaleht believes: There's not a great ...