Political scientist Nikolay Mitrokhin has seen the latest videos from Syria and fears on Facebook that the worst is yet to come: A genocide ...
María Eugenia R. Palop scrutinises the counter-arguments to equality in eldiario.es: The far right assumes that inequality is a given, and ...
Navalny's principled exhortations are sorely lacking in the current situation, The Observer laments: When Trump calls Putin a 'genius' who ...
Angela Müller, managing director of the NGO Algorithm Watch Switzerland, calls for a more critical approach in a guest commentary for ...
As far as Brussels is concerned, economic interests clearly take precedent over democracy and human rights in Serbia, the Financial Times ...
Le Soir warns: The far right is officially in power in Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Finland, and could also take over in ...
Trump's proposal reveals his ignorance of the disastrous consequences of expelling the Palestinians, says The Independent: Lebanon and ...
The West must stand by the regime's opponents more than ever, the Guardian stresses: Enhanced support for the exiled Belarus media should ...
The combination of Netanyahu and Trump significantly reduces the prospects of peace, Népszava comments: The populations on both sides are ...
Večer welcomes the ceasefire but stresses the need for further steps: The ceasefire agreement, fragile as it may be, gives Palestinian ...