Trump's policies may hit his supporters harder than the financial markets, warns Libération: The chainsaw offensive against the welfare ...
The US and Russia are far from seeing eye to eye, France Inter concurs: Trump wants a quick peace. Putin, on the other hand, is in no ...
US consumers will pay the price for this, the Süddeutsche Zeitung believes: Prices in the US are likely to rise because importers will pass ...
Biden is passing on a flourishing economy, but also unresolved problems, L'Echo concludes: At the end of his mandate, he deserves credit ...
Corriere della Sera notes: It seems that everyone is selling and few want to hold on to Vladimir Putin's currency. Rumours from the Moscow ...
The starting position for the ÖVP could not have been worse, Der Standard writes: People are dissatisfied and pessimistic about the future. ...
Price controls undermine the market economy, Gazeta Wyborcza warns: Average Americans blame the Biden government for inflation. Kamala ...
Les Echos warns of the dangers of a second Trump presidency: Europe would not only suffer geopolitically. Most analysts expect massive ...
It's time for MPs to join forces and come up with concrete solutions, Le Monde urges: In a National Assembly that is condemned to maintain ...
Zeit Online welcomes the move: The turnaround in interest rates that has now been initiated will make it a little easier to deal with the ...