The US president was too hesitant in international affairs, says The Times: Mr Biden was squeamish about taking on dictatorships. He failed ...
Europe should get involved diplomatically, believes Kaja Kallas, the new High Representative for EU Foreign Policy, quite ...
Iran and its possible reactions must not be ignored, the pro-government daily Sabah commented even before Assad's final fall: Tehran, which ...
in Syria, notes Dzerkalo Tyshnya: Weakness is despised in the Middle East. The shameful departure of the Russians from Aleppo (as well as ...
Reaching an agreement with Hezbollah simply isn't sufficient, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: On paper, Israel had already been ...
The Israeli prime minister has high hopes for the next US president, columnist Pierre Haski observes on France Inter: Netanyahu has already ...
Israel's retaliatory strike was a complete success, writes Polityka: Israel got what it wanted, even if it did not achieve its main goal of ...
Hämeen Sanomat takes a different view of the UN Secretary-General's attendance: The Brics meeting brings together countries of interest for ...
Now Iran of all countries is assuming a central role, Corriere della Sera explains: Who will speak for Hamas now? Political representation ...
Writing in Le Point, philosopher Pascal Bruckner calls for decisive action against the Iranian regime: Ever since Iran created the 'Axis of ...