Romania has become the focus of attempts to manipulate public opinion from abroad, states RFI's Romanian Service: The Italian report, and ...
Corriere della Sera grants that relaxing the EU debt rules is the only way for countries like Italy to finance additional armaments, but ...
Le Soir warns: The far right is officially in power in Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Finland, and could also take over in ...
Relations between the government and the judiciary were already strained, Avvenire points out: The launch of such an explosive ...
Meloni's good relations with Trump will strengthen Italy in the EU, writes Rzeczpospolita: Finally the dream of Italy, the third largest ...
For Ilta-Sanomat, criticism of Owusu is wrong for various reasons: The Lucia is elected in a public vote that takes place every November: ...
Le Soir is particularly critical of the EPP: Although all three groups in the coalition are responsible for the vile horse-trading and the ...
La Repubblica looks at the complex structure of violence: It can be physical, sexual, psychological or economic. It transcends territories, ...
Now the European Court of Justice must take a stand on the issue, La Repubblica insists: As was to be expected, the judges in Rome have ...
Germany's car manufacturers put their money on the wrong horse, the Romanian Deutsche Welle service concludes: Germany's recipe for success ...