Jyllands-Posten welcomes the Nobel Committee's decision to look back this time: The current wars, the fragile security structure and the ...
Jornal Económico sees oil prices as an indication of where things are heading: All indicators point to a slowdown of the global economy. ...
Looking back at the country's history, The Moscow Times relativises the myth of invincibility that is widespread in Russia: The ...
In the Greek edition of Le Monde diplomatique, politician and entrepreneur Vassilios Rokos of the Hellenic-Indian Chamber of Commerce ...
Ukraine can count on the world, Observator Cultural sums up: Contrary to (initial) fears that Germany or other countries would not break ...
This is also a victory for the US, France Inter comments with approval: Joe Biden is in top form. He is a man of the Cold War, perhaps one ...
Maintaining a clear stance towards China is correct, La Repubblica believes: The aggressiveness of Xi Jinping's China (and also his way of ...
The seven largest industrialised countries now represent less than 30 percent of global economic output, Handelsblatt points out: They have ...
China could trigger a world war if it tries to invade Taiwan, the Spotmedia blog fears: This could not be done without triggering a huge ...
Vasily Golovnin, Japan correspondent for Tass news agency, describes on Facebook what could have prompted North Korea to test the missile: ...