Hospodářské noviny makes the case for as much practice-oriented language teaching as possible: To this day, no one at our schools cares how ...
El Mundo sees the new law as a bid to sow discord and win votes: The first plenary session of the Congress of Deputies since the elections ...
Chatbots can play a supportive role in foreign language learning, notes Fanny Meunier, a professor of language acquisition, in La Libre ...
Paris is making an arbitrary distinction, Edwy Plenel, editor-in-chief of Mediapart, protests: Gérald Darmanin has started a war against ...
The danger lies not in AI itself but in the debate about it, warns philosopher Thomas Robert in Le Temps: The priority now is to regain ...
Le Point can't get its head around the inclusion of the new personal pronoun: A dictionary, and not an insignificant one, is giving it both ...
In Hürriyet Daily News, Istanbul-based Greek journalist Ariana Ferentinou analyses the language being used to describe the fires in Greece ...
Translations are always only an approximation, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung points out: The original is one thing, the translation ...
Die Welt is alarmed to learn that in Germany one fifth of all 15-year-old schoolchildren are unable to read simple texts: Reading ...
Although they have good English skills, a report has found that only one in four Swedes speak German and only one in ten French. This is ...