Merkel is an important witness of how things were in Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall, historian Timothy Garton Ash explains in ...
NRC cites a cautionary example from the Netherlands, where the book publisher VBK asks its authors to help with AI-generated translations ...
Gazeta Wyborcza criticises the removal of conservative authors from the school curriculum: What the new education ministry was actually ...
Gazeta Wyborcza sees clear parallels with Stalinism: Putin's cultural revolution is gaining momentum. Unruly artists are now criminals. ... ...
In a statement posted by Akunin on his homepage and picked up by Echo, the author warns that Russia is facing dark times: This is not about ...
In his speech at the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek condemned Hamas's terrorist attacks but said ...
Avvenire sees two key elements in Fosse's writing: The first is technical, namely the repetitions, which are not really repetitions because ...
Not without a touch of national pride, Echo24 places Milan Kundera among the elite of world literature: Great literature was also created ...
In a free world there must also be room for bad thoughts, protests De Volkskrant: Unlike publishers, children know very well that Roald ...
Many people don't read novels anymore and therefore don't understand them, NRC Handelsblad complains: The groups that back the death ...