24.hu is pained that the Hungarian state is fobbing off Paralympians with lower financial rewards: If there is one thing that would send a ...
Ouest-France urges: The pretext of the Olympic Games, the will to avoid a crisis while the world was looking at France and the summer ...
Le Figaro is frustrated by the delays: The members of the National Assembly are enjoying the end of their holidays and indifference is ...
Avvenire looks back at the last two weeks with longing: We are already nostalgic for the beauty, the harmony, the all-encompassing passion ...
La Repubblica clarifies: She is a woman, not a man who is hitting a woman. ... As usual athletes are being dragged into controversy by ...
The New Times laments Russia's exclusion from the Olympic family: The Olympic Games in Paris are clearly separating Putin's Russia not just ...
These Games mark an Olympic victory for women's rights, El Periódico de Catalunya writes: In the Olympic Games in ancient Greece women were ...
The consequences of overtourism are particularly evident in Paris, architects Dominique Dupré-Henry and Tangui Le Dantec criticise in Le ...
For Seznam Zprávy the International Olympic Committee's reasoning is flawed: No doubt even the Russians themselves can't believe what a ...
For commentator Viljar Voog it's clear what is really behind the decisions. He explains in Eesti Päevaleht: A certain blindness has led to ...