Politiken is delighted that the award for best documentary went to the Palestinian-Israeli film "No Other Land": It was made by both ...
With reference to the war in Gaza, NRC adopts a more sceptical stance: As in almost the entire Arab world, the ongoing brutal war and the ...
There is a pattern to Trump's absurd actions, Visão diagnoses: Even the staunchest Trumpist can see the absurdity of this: American troops ...
The world has learned nothing from history, Le Temps rails: The West is torn apart in polemics over whether a Nazi salute was shown at the ...
For the Süddeutsche Zeitung Trump's ideas testify to a narrowminded view of complex problems: Even though he surprised the world with his ...
Newsweek Polska is glad that the bloodshed in Gaza has ended: Not every war ends in a lasting peace. Not every peace is good; sometimes it ...
NRC predicts long after-effects: The world has shown itself from its worst side in the Gaza war. Even if its ends for the time being with ...
La Stampa is convinced the deal will be a success and baffled by the Israeli prime minister's political resilience: Now the third political ...
Correio da Manhã fears a negative precedent will be set if negotiations are handled incorrectly: The world remains hostage to the wars in ...
Hospodářské noviny considers it unlikely that the truce will have a positive impact on the situation in the Gaza Strip: The current Israeli ...