Rzeczpospolita makes a bold suggestion: Any government in Warsaw would find a constellation in which Germany has nuclear weapons but Poland ...
Trump is going with the flow of the times, fears Luciano Violante, former president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, in Corriere della ...
Even in exile the Russian opposition is divided and therefore weak, complains Corriere della Sera: The first signs of an implosion had ...
La Libre Belgique is glad to see new alternatives to the concepts put forward by the US and China emerging: A third way, as some call it, ...
Le Soir warns: The far right is officially in power in Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Finland, and could also take over in ...
The world has learned nothing from history, Le Temps rails: The West is torn apart in polemics over whether a Nazi salute was shown at the ...
Republica.ro publishes a commentary piece by Daniel van Soest, a journalist from the Netherlands who lives in Romania, which also appeared ...
Gazeta Wyborcza disapproves of the PiS presidential candidate's statements: Using the dead for political games is dancing on graves and a ...
Children should learn about traditional holidays as well as new ones, writes Új Szó: Halloween parties are becoming more and more popular, ...
Athens is not undertaking any serious efforts to secure reparations, News247 complains: Eight decades have passed since the end of the ...