Martin Jonáš, Germany expert at Seznam Zprávy, predicts that things will go rather quiet around Merkel after the book launch: Overall, the ...
The problem goes beyond what is happening at RAI, Mediapart warns: The new government has appointed a number of people close to the ...
In a statement posted by Akunin on his homepage and picked up by Echo, the author warns that Russia is facing dark times: This is not about ...
Journalist Elena Stancu bids farewell to Libertatea with her commentary: Once again it is the public that loses out, Romanian society, ...
Respekt explains the background to the sale: Due to a new law that bans politicians from owning media, Andrej Babiš had to get rid of MF ...
Le Point can't get its head around the inclusion of the new personal pronoun: A dictionary, and not an insignificant one, is giving it both ...
Translations are always only an approximation, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung points out: The original is one thing, the translation ...
This compromise just makes media companies even more dependent on Facebook's handouts, says the Neue Zürcher Zeitung: The behaviour of the ...
Facebook's action is scandalous, Hospodářské noviny rails: British MPs have urged their colleagues in Australia not to give in. And we in ...
Commenting in, Michał Karnowski can't understand all the fuss: The reactions to the sale can be seen as exaggerated or ...