444 fears an EU-wide economic crisis: France is the second largest economy in the Eurozone, and the chaos is likely to be felt beyond its ...
In the decade since the trial began, Ricardo Salgado has developed dementia. Expresso argues that forcing him to appear in court is ...
Finally a key problem is being addressed, Les Echos writes: Mario Draghi, who made a name for himself in 2012 with his famous 'Whatever it ...
The Portuguese government is wrong to propose former Finance Minister Maria Luis Albuquerque, who pushed through a tough austerity ...
Les Echos warns of the consequences of a right-wing victory: Would we see a confrontation between France and the EU institutions and ECB ...
For Expresso rethinking the Eurozone's stability criteria is a sensible move: We can always insist that debt should be at 60 percent of GDP ...
It's not the euro that is weak but the dollar that is strong, explains stockbroker Viktor Shcheglov in Izvestia: The economic problems in ...
For journalist Daniel Oliveira the EU's gas emergency plan is further proof that Germany is defining EU policy at will, as it did during ...
The Portuguese government is right to offer extra support only to those households worst affected by inflation, Observador comments: ...
Público welcomes the ECB's decision: The war in Ukraine, soaring inflation and the signs of economic stagnation that are accumulating in ...