Diário de Notícias doubts the legitimacy of significantly increasing EU defence spending without a popular mandate: Even before the 800 ...
El País author Luz Sánchez-Mellado recalls the powerful experience of her first women's demo nine years ago: Still a long way off from the ...
It won't be long before the first rows break out, the taz predicts: All parties want to 'play a bigger role in Europe'. But what exactly ...
The pro-government news site Liberal would like less polarisation, but also sees fundamental shortcomings: If Greece wants to overcome its ...
For Tagesschau.de the TV debate failed to provide any visions for the future: The gap between rich and poor, rents, climate change, ...
Development aid is more than just a money matter, the Frankfurter Rundschau explains: It is also structural aid that stabilises countries, ...
La Libre Belgique is optimistic: The coalition offers Belgium a unique opportunity to fundamentally reform our country so it can tackle the ...
Prime Minister Vučević's resignation won't be enough to appease the protesters, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is convinced: Because ...
The Mitsotakis government should take these protests seriously, writes the left-leaning news site TVXS: It has not understood that the ...
El País piles on the pressure: The housing problem in Spain is so serious that there is a risk of sticking with proposals that in the best ...