Corriere del Ticino is not surprised by the result: In an environment that is (rightly) geared towards economic development, which is a ...
War reporter Kurt Pelda defends the decision in the Aargauer Zeitung: Of course, Russian missiles, drones and cruise missiles occasionally ...
Instead of complaining the Swiss should be happy about the rise in visitor numbers, the Aargauer Zeitung insists: A collective 'negativity ...
Visão sees the fact that states like South Korea and Kenya are positioning themselves more strongly against Russia and in favour of Ukraine ...
In a Telegram post picked up by Echo, liberal opposition politician Boris Vishnevsky pleads for an immediate end to the fighting: As long ...
The Tages-Anzeiger criticises the signals sent by the parliamentarians with their statement: What remains is a declaration of protest: a ...
Putin will do everything he can to torpedo the conference, warns Le Temps: The Russian missiles in Kaliningrad are probably not aimed at ...
By occupying further areas in the north of Ukraine, the Kremlin wants to strengthen its negotiating position, analyses Glavkom: It's clear ... criticises China's refusal to adopt a clear position on Russia's war in Ukraine: Xi has made a lot of correct statements about ...
In a letter published in Le Temps, Dominique Diserens, former general secretary of the Swiss journalists' association impressum, offers ...