Syria is facing a new phase of fierce internal conflict, warns De Volkskrant: Various fundamentalist and other militant groups, as well as ...
Columnist Pierre Haski analyses the consequences for Syria on France Inter: The situation is extremely complex. Turkey, which has gained ...
Diena comments: As part of a first trip abroad in his new role, al-Sharaa travelled to Turkey and requested that it station its military ...
Corrriere della Sera comments on the fact that Sharaa shook hands with Barrot but not with Baerbock: We don't yet know whether the ...
Looking to Syria after the end of the Assad regime, La Croix sees a key element for a successful future: In managing the transition from ...
The new HTS rulers promise democracy and respect for human rights in Syria, but T24 has doubts as to whether they keep their word: Leaving ...
Corriere della Sera is hoping for legal consequences: There are people, associations and NGOs who have been waiting for this moment for ...
Assad's fall has exposed Russia's weakness, and the West must strike while the iron is hot, Berlingske urges: Now, in the aftermath of ...
A lot now depends on what happens in the areas controlled by the Kurdish militias YPG and SDF in the north-east of the country, says ...
Jutarnji list is struck by the way migration is dominating the public discourse: The last thing the EU - and also the US - are interested ...