Trump's policies are hurting an already fragile economy, Corriere del Ticino concludes: The fall in US stock prices was triggered by the ...
Macron, Starmer, Merz and Meloni must now live up to their renowned predecessors, demands Index: We have now arrived at a critical juncture ...
El País sees a general trend in the way the US deals with allies: Mark Carney wants to call elections as soon as possible so that, in the ...
Webcafé proposes a first step toward the long-term goal of an EU army: Since coordination at a joint European level will be a lengthy and ...
Syria is facing a new phase of fierce internal conflict, warns De Volkskrant: Various fundamentalist and other militant groups, as well as ...
Not allowing Georgescu to stand for election will only bolster extremism in the country, Deutsche Welle's Romanian service fears: If the ...
El País sees good intentions but not realistic goals: It's clear that strategic autonomy is unattainable within the space of the four years ...
The Russian statement means that the disruptive manoeuvre has been called off, Spotmedia surmises: Judging by the signal from the Kremlin, ...
El Mundo praises the unity of the two major parties on this issue: With this initiative the future chancellor Friedrich Merz has ...
Trump's opponents are failing to come up with a response, Jutarnji list observes: The Democrats come across as disoriented, shocked and ...