The Canadians stand behind Mark Carney in the dispute with the US, The Irish Times notes: Now [Trump] has a genuine former central bank ...
The attempts to change Trump's mind seem unrealistic to De Standaard: How many friendly nations can Donald Trump chase away? Mexico, ... criticises Zelensky's behaviour: He adopted a demanding attitude, presumably to come across to the world as a heroic leader ...
The agreement represents the best security guarantee available to Ukraine right now, Rzeczpospolita counters: It's hard to imagine that in ... anticipates genuine confrontations: Call it what you will - cold war, electronic war, culture war or, as is the case now, trade ...
The EU must reduce its dependence on exports, demands Ilta-Sanomat: Perhaps the negative effects of tariffs and a trade war will at least ...
In the new world order, too, the EU must do its utmost to maintain a spirit of cooperation, the Frankfurter Rundschau writes: First of all ...
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung takes stock: Complex customs declarations have to be made and proof of compliance with product standards is also ...
NRC urges Europe to look on the bright side: Europe has a unique selling point: legal and political security. Companies find it difficult ...
The US is making a U-turn in global economic policy, observes Krytyka Polityczna: The Americans created the modern global economic order in ...