Le Monde calls on the regime in Azerbaijan to change its ways: Repression has intensified in recent months with the arrest of 30 opposition ...
Modest reforms have been postponed for too long, writes the Kleine Zeitung: Due to its ownership structure, with the state of Lower Saxony ...
Other economists are more deserving, taz argues: Daron Acemoğlu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson have all been looking at why countries ...
The state-owned airline is lacking in every respect, Spotmedia observes: The Tarom pilots are resorting to an extreme protest because they ...
T24 finds it remarkable that there are still critical trade unions in Turkey at all: The structure of the working class and its position in ...
Aamulehti hopes the strike will end soon: What is really worrying about the escalating conflict is that neither the government nor the ...
Público fears that the situation could escalate: What happened on Saturday with the fraudulent medical leave of police officers who refused ...
Upsala Nya Tidning says the Swedish dispute over labour laws could set a precedent for Europe: Tesla, Amazon and Google are following the ...
Users need to rethink their attitude to consumption, writes El País: Hollywood is on fire. The repercussions are global because its ...
The government will have difficulties coming up with the necessary funds, Spotmedia fears: The strike has highlighted the great mistrust ...