With Trump and his ideas the US losing its status as a moral authority and becoming a rogue state, says Telegram: According to Trump's ...
For Večernji list one thing is clear: This whole performance with the prime minister's resignation is just one more attempt to save the ...
In pardoning the Capitol attackers Trump is jeopardising the separation of powers, writes Die Presse: Trump's amnesty decree is tantamount ...
The referendum can no longer save Vučić, says Vreme: For years, critics of the government could say what they wanted, take to the streets ...
Georgia's future is on a knife's edge, The Economist notes: Another flashpoint could come on December 29th, when Salome Zourabichvili, the ...
Dnevnik lists potential scenarios: One possibility would be that Georgian Dream, with Russia's blessing, suppresses the demonstrations with ...
Yoon has gone too far, says The Economist: His move went far beyond the bounds of normal political activity in democratic South Korea, ...
The Dutch governing parties want tough punishment for Muslim Dutch citizens who attacked Israeli football fans, including their being ...
Eldiario.es takes the conservative politicians of the region to task: Resigning would mean admitting their own mistakes, showing integrity ...
The Economist hopes things will remain peaceful after the election: Predictions of imminent civil war are clearly overblown. Even ...