There can be no doubt about Ukraine's desire to reach a deal, Avvenire points out: According to unofficial reports, the Ukrainian ...
With reference to the war in Gaza, NRC adopts a more sceptical stance: As in almost the entire Arab world, the ongoing brutal war and the ...
Die Presse does not expect a quick fix: As always with Trump, the motto here is: Keep calm and wait and see. In the US's first statement ...
Trump has a far bigger plan for the Middle East that he has not yet been revealed, Spotmedia speculates: If there's one thing Netanyahu and ...
The US president was too hesitant in international affairs, says The Times: Mr Biden was squeamish about taking on dictatorships. He failed ...
The players can exert pressure through protests, says Helsingin Sanomat: The future of football cannot be left to the officials, who only ...
Glavkom takes a look at what continued attacks by Israel on Hezbollah would mean: Now the third war between Israel and Lebanon will most ...
Libération sees Venezuela at a crossroads: The international community is divided between the traditional supporters (Moscow, Beijing, ...
As Islamic cleric Sheikh Said Ismagilov writes in Telegraf, the much criticised elements of the show were hardly unexpected: We shouldn't ...
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is alarmed by the abstention of some states from the final declaration: Many former colonies, which are otherwise ...