Eesti Ekspress

Weekly newspaper

Eesti Ekspress was founded in 1989, the country's first independent newspaper after the Iron Curtain came down. The paper sees itself as a flagship of investigative journalism. In the last 25 years its journalists have exposed several major scandals and won a number of awards. It belongs to the same publishing group as Eesti Päevaleht, Delfi, Maaleht and Õhtuleht.

Political orientation Liberal
Circulation 24,000 Print, 16,000 digital (2020).
Frequency of publication Weekly on Wednesdays
Visits < 500.000
Online payment model All content fee-based
Location Tallinn, Estonia
Publisher AS Eesti Ajalehed
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1989
Address Narva mnt 13, 10151 Tallinn
Phone 00372 669 80 30
Twitter @eestiekspress