Gazeta Wyborcza

Daily newspaper

Gazeta Wyborcza is one of the first free media outlets launched in Poland at the end of the Cold War in 1989. It is the highest-circulation quality newspaper in Poland but is struggling with a drastic drop in circulation. It is published by Agora, one of the country's largest media groups. Gazeta Wyborcza is pro-European, highly critical of the government and frequently calls for protests against the national conservative PiS government. Its journalists represent liberal and centre-left positions.

Political orientation Centre-left
Circulation 85,974 (2019)
Frequency of publication Monday to Saturday
Online payment model All content fee-based
Location Warsaw, Poland
Publisher Agora
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1989
Address ul. Czerska 8/10, PL-00-732 Warszawa
Phone 0048 22 555 40 03
Twitter @gazeta_wyborcza