One of Italy's highest circulation newspapers, Il Sole 24 Ore focuses on business, politics and commercial and industrial law. It also publishes stock market data and expert opinions on international financial markets. Culture and cultural policy are another focus area, to which the paper's Sunday supplement is dedicated. La Stampa is regarded as the country's most politically independent newspaper despite the fact that the powerful Italian employers' federation Confindustria owns it. In 2016 Il Sole 24 Ore was in the red to the tune of 50 million euros. The president of the group, Giorgi Squinzi, and four members of the supervisory board resigned.

Political orientation | Liberal |
Circulation | 101,000 (2020) |
Frequency of publication | Daily |
Online payment model | Content partially fee-based |
Location | Milan, Italy |
Publisher | Gruppo 24 Ore / Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. / Confindustria |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1965 |
Address | Via Monte Rosa 91, 20141 Mailand |
Phone | 0039 02 30 22 1 | | |
@sole24ore |