Kronen Zeitung

Daily newspaper

The tabloid Kronen Zeitung is Austria's most widely read and influential paper. Its position alternates between social democratic, conservative and yet often right-wing populist depending on the context. It focusses on shaping public opinion. Political parties tend to seek its favour. Fifty percent of the newspaper is owned by the Dichand family of publishers, a quarter each by the Funke media group and billionaire René Benko.

Circulation 716,000 (montags bis samstags, 2019), 1,122,000 (sonntags, 2019)
Frequency of publication Daily
Visits 40.000.000 – 50.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Vienna, Austria
Publisher Krone-Verlag GmbH & Co KG / Christoph Dichand
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1900
Address Muthgasse 2, 1190 Wien
Phone 0043 57 06 00
Twitter @krone_at