
Daily newspaper


Heute is a free and wide-reaching tabloid that has been published in Vienna since 2004. Its distribution has expanded to Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland, bringing its circulation up to around a million readers daily. Its ownership structure was unclear for a long time. Presently it is owned by Eva Dichand, editor and wife of the Krone publisher, Wolfgang Jansky, managing director and former press spokesman for a SPÖ Federal Chancellor, and the Swiss company Tamedia AG. Its political position fluctuates between social democratic, conservative and right-wing populist.

Circulation 548,000 (2019)
Frequency of publication Monday to Friday
Visits 20.000.000 – 30.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Vienna, Austria
Publisher AHVV Verlags GmbH
Area of distribution Regional
Established 2004
Address Walfischgasse 13, 1010 Wien
Phone 0043 50 95 00
Email redaktion@heute.at
Twitter @Heute_at