
Daily newspaper


Österreich tabloid was established in 2006 and was modelled on USA Today. It is published in tabloid format and is owned by News founder Wolfgang Fellner and is considered the most dubious of the three major tabloids. About merely five percent of the edition is sold, the rest is accounted for by the free version, which was renamed Oe24 in 2018. Since September 2016, the newspaper has operated the TV news channel OE24.tv.

Circulation 540,000 (2019)
Frequency of publication Daily
Visits 20.000.000 – 30.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Vienna, Austria
Publisher Mediengruppe "Österreich" GmbH / Wolfgang Fellner, Werner Schima
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 2006
Address Friedrichstraße 10, 1010 Wien
Phone 0043 1 588 11 0
Email redaktion@oe24.at
Twitter @Oe24at