Established in 1896, this paper is Christian in orientation, "Faith, Ethics and Existence" appears on its title page. It was founded in reaction to the coverage of a funeral ceremony sermon held for four drowned fishermen. The pastor felt his sermon had been misinterpreted and that he had been misquoted. The Inner Mission interpreted this as a need for a Christian newspaper. Kristeligt Dagblad is widely perceived as a quality paper which dedicates plenty of space to cultural issues as well as analyses and background reports. The paper has managed to keep its circulation steady at 26,000 copies for years. It is owned by around 3,000 shareholders, a large portion of them are readers.

Political orientation | Christian |
Circulation | 34,700 |
Frequency of publication | Daily |
Visits | 1.000.000 - 5.000.000 |
Online payment model | Content partially fee-based |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark |
Publisher | Kristeligt Dagblads Fond og Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker A/S. / Aktionäre |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1896 |
Address | Vimmelskaftet 47, 1161 Kopenhagen |
Phone | 0045 33 48 05 00 | | |
@kristeligt |