Kurier was the most successful Austrian newspaper established after the end of World War II until it lost that status to the revived Kronen Zeitung. It combines tabloid, magazine and newspaper content and sees itself as Austria's leading quality newspaper. Raiffeisen bank owns 50.56 percent of the newspaper and nearly a quarter each is owned by the Funke media group and the billionaire René Benko.

Political orientation | Liberal |
Circulation | 108,000 (montags bis samstags, 2019) 240,000 (sonntags, 2019) |
Frequency of publication | Daily |
Visits | 20.000.000 – 30.000.000 |
Online payment model | Content partially fee-based |
Location | Vienna, Austria |
Publisher | Kurier Zeitungsverlag und Druckerei GmbH / Helmut Brandstätter |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1954 |
Address | Leopold-Ungar-Platz 1, 1190 Wien |
Phone | 0043 59 03 00 |
leser@kurier.at | |