went online in 1998 and was one of Bulgaria's first 100 percent Internet-based media. Ever since its launch it has been one of the country's leading news websites. In 2013 was acquired by entrepreneur Krassen Kralev, along with other successful Internet formats belonging to Web Media Group. Kralev has been Sports Minister in Boiko Borisov's centre-right government since 2014.

Political orientation | Conservative |
Frequency of publication | several times a week |
Visits | 1.000.000 - 5.000.000 |
Online payment model | All content for free |
Location | Sofia, Bulgaria |
Publisher | Web Media Group |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1998 |
Address | Ul. Frederic Joliot Curie 20, 1113 Sofia |
Phone | 00359 2 816 43 12 | | |
@wmg_news |