
Weekly newspaper


Weekendavisen was launched in 1969 to replace Berlingske Aftenavis, an evening paper. The aim was to publish background articles on culture and literature written with a love for language and detail. In 1972 the newspaper was given its current name and developed its own unique profile, covering culture for educated readers. Its content focuses on society, culture, books and ideas. The content is also available in audio format at lydavisen.dk. Countering the general downwards trend, Weekendavisen continues to gain readers.

Political orientation Liberal
Circulation 213,000
Frequency of publication Weekly on Fridays
Visits 500.000 – 1.000.000
Online payment model All content fee-based
Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Publisher Berlingske Media
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1969
Address Pilestræde 34, 1147 Kopenhagen
Phone 0045 33 75 25 33
Email bwa@weekendavisen.dk
Twitter @weekendavisen