Der Standard is not surprised by the upsurge in violence: It was a predictable catastrophe. After the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime ...
Peace is now an even more distant prospect, writes Der Standard: Little will change for Israel as far as the war in the Gaza Strip is ...
Der Standard does not rule out the possibility of further military escalation between Israel and Iran: In Tehran, the mullah regime is ...
The wording of the resolution is highly political, Der Standard comments: One thing that has contributed to Netanyahu's angry reaction is ...
The terrorist attack by Hamas has strengthened Putin's position in the region, writes Der Standard: The Russian president is now a welcome ...
Doha is simply pulling out all the stops to make its mark, concludes Der Standard: The small, filthy rich Emirate of Qatar basically ...
Biden is travelling with no illusions that the US has any say in the Middle East any more, Der Standard comments: It suffices to read what ...
The French president is also pursuing economic interests in Saudi Arabia, observes Der Standard: Macron defended his meeting with MBS ...
The return of the Taliban began even before the withdrawal of the US troops, Der Standard points out: The states that have been heavily ...
Der Standard also sees a clear message to Iran: On Friday night the new president for the first time launched an airstrike on Iraqi ...