In an article in Delfi, political scientist Kęstutis Girnius reflects on whether Zelensky has now lost the war: There is no doubt that ...
The EU should get its own act together rather than complaining about the US, writes political scientist Kęstutis Girnius in Delfi: In some ...
Political scientist Kęstutis Girnius sees things getting out of hand. He comments in Delfi: Lithuanian politicians are obsessed with ...
Nausėda should put some serious thought into what would be the honourable course now, political commentator Kęstutis Girnius writes in ...
Lithuania will pay for its mistake, political scientist Kęstutis Girnius writes in Delfi: One wonders how much the Lithuanian economy will ...
Lithuania's government still hasn't grasped the fact that membership of the EU entails not just taking but also giving, political scientist ...
Journalist Kęstutis Girnius sees no evidence of the rights of the unvaccinated having been restricted. He writes in Delfi: The unvaccinated ...
Commentators must put their own house in order, writes Delfi in view of parliament's plans: Journalists are now warning that press freedom ...
The hostility towards refugees displayed by some citizens will only grow if they feel they are just helpless onlookers in this debate, ...
Political scientist Kęstutis Girnius finds Lithuania's conduct shameful and calls for a detailed explanation: Lithuania has brought ...