Dromos tis Aristeras

Weekly newspaper


Dromos tis Aristeras (Way of the Left) was founded in 2010 with the onset of the Greek crisis. This weekly paper focuses mainly on the consequences for Greece's society and economy of the austerity policy imposed by the country's creditors. It features frequent analyses of the political and economic developments as well as interviews with well-known left-wing personalities.

Political orientation Left-wing
Circulation 740 (April 2020)
Frequency of publication Weekly on Saturdays
Online payment model All content for free
Publisher Enotita, Non-Profit-Organisation/Giannis Theonas, Rudi Rinaldi
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 2010
Address Isaia Salonon 6, 11475 Athen
Phone 0030 21 03 46 82 82
Email info@edromos.gr
Twitter @edromos