For the ÖVP and the FPÖ the switch from election campaign mode to government mode won't be easy, the Wiener Zeitung suspects: [Sebastian] ...
Macron is turning Europe's political landscape on its head, the Wiener Zeitung comments gleefully: The doubters will shake their heads and ...
It is no longer in keeping with the times that the nation states form the basis for EU decision-making, writes Wiener Zeitung: Now - as a ...
By ending the programme that protected migrant children in the US from deportation Trump is risking social unrest, writes the Wiener ...
The central bankers should replace the dollar with the euro as the new global currency, writes the Wiener Zeitung: Trump is promoting an ...
If the US withdraws from the Paris climate agreement the EU and China must deepen their cooperation, the Wiener Zeitung writes: Trump was ...
The Wiener Zeitung explains why Europe must stick together in a dangerous world: With Donald Trump there is a US president in the White ...
The EU must actively oppose the destruction of democracy in Turkey - particularly since it is being promoted on European soil, the Wiener ...
Tough demands from Brussels and resistance in London are giving the British government a hard time, the Wiener Zeitung observes: Barniers' ...
The Bayer-Monsanto deal, the third merger of two agrobusiness giants within the last few months, will have dire consequences for farmers, ...