The treatment of Jewish people is a measure of how democracy is faring, Der Tagesspiegel argues: There is good reason to wonder whether ...
The party is becoming increasingly radical, the Tagesspiegel fears: Weidel's words: 'The German borders are closed. They - are - closed!' ...
The Tagesspiegel asks whether it would have not been better to simply not award the prize to anyone this year: According to the founder ...
Der Tagesspiegel criticises the boycott: Precisely when they are angry with Orbán, they need to be there to tell him that. In other words, ...
Germany must follow its words with deeds, Der Tagesspiegel urges: The value of this friendship, which Germany repeatedly emphasises and ...
Germany needs to fundamentally rethink its Turkey policy, demands Der Tagesspiegel: The Turkish president is showing Germany up, on ...
Ejection from the Security Council would send the right signal, writes the Tagesspiegel: Whether it would be possible? The international ...
Charles' speech in the Bundestag will go down in the history books, Tagesspiegel proclaims: Brexit? Yesterday's business. His majesty made ...
A government that includes the Sweden Democrats should serve as a warning to Europe, stresses Der Tagesspiegel: Let's not kid ourselves: ...
Der Tagesspiegel calls for even more drastic action against Russia: Nothing is set in stone. And even that can crumble. The Wall also came ...