The French industry must go European, Libération urges: It's all well and good to develop an aeroplane or a tank together with several ...
Libération weighs in: The new US president only understands the present moment and the wads of banknotes waved under his nose: after him, ...
Europe can still exert its influence, Libération insists: Even if it's late there's still time for the Europeans to react, close ranks and ...
Libération looks at the motives behind the move: The pressure to achieve a ceasefire was immense. And frankly, it suits everyone. Joe ...
In Baku, everything will revolve around a person who is not present, Libération explains: He will be the elephant in the room at COP29: ...
Libération raves: The French capital has never been as beautiful and pleasant as it was during these Olympic Games, hosted in the very ...
Libération sees Venezuela at a crossroads: The international community is divided between the traditional supporters (Moscow, Beijing, ...
Libération is appalled by Ciotti's move, but also sees opportunities: His announcement will go down in history as a slap in the face to the ...
For Libération, the regime is in crisis but not in serious danger: Ebrahim Raisi was a hardliner among the hardliners and dubbed the ...
The anger of the protesters is understandable but it should not be directed against individuals, Libération concurs: Everything is at a ...