The British prime minister may have promised too much with his pledge to send troops to Ukraine, writes The Independent: Starmer hopes to ...
The Independent observes: Even senior officials are replaceable. However showing that such senior officers are personally vulnerable can be ...
Merely giving the impression that it could acquire nuclear arms could make sense for Ukraine strategically, The Independent argues: ...
With Merkel's withdrawal Macron loses an important ally and must brace for resistance, says The Daily Telegraph: President Macron shared ...
Iran could end up paying dearly for escalating the conflict, warns The Daily Telegraph: [A] wise Iran would have been emollient in the face ...
The Turkish president is using the attack for his own selfish purposes, The Daily Telegraph comments: New Zealand is the last place to look ...
Public opinion is pushing the heads of government towards confrontation both in India and Pakistan, warns The Daily Telegraph: There is a ...
Angela Merkel's remaining chancellor will further weaken the political centre in Germany and Europe, The Daily Telegraph warns: Impasse ...
The US president's measures carry the risk of creating an unholy alliance consisting of Turkey, Iran, Russia and China, The Daily Telegraph ...
According to the state-run agency Anadolu the AKP won 42.6 percent of the vote, considerably less than the 49.5 percent it won in the last ...