All of a sudden the massive debts incurred by such huge packages is no longer an issue, Der Standard observes: Many are astonished by this ...
Der Standard doesn't trust Merz: 'Never form a coalition with the AfD': many people now find it far more difficult to believe Merz. And ...
Der Standard calls for a calmer tone in the debate: Calls for a crackdown are growing louder. Some of this we can understand, but we also ...
The mass demonstrations unfortunately only reflect the opinion of a certain section of the population, points out Der Standard: The AfD, ...
The protests are a warning to the traffic light government, writes Der Standard: It's not just German farms that are seething with anger. ...
Der Standard says what is most lacking is transparency: Clearly something will have to change on the expenditure side if the population is ...
This is a fail grade from an independent source for the parties of the traffic light coalition, says Der Standard: Don't give the German ...
Der Standard predicts that even after the deal, the asylum issue will continue to be a big topic in Germany: They managed to reach a deal, ...
The zigzag course under Friedrich Merz is damaging the reputation of German politics as a whole, Der Standard sighs: Two things are as ...
The Last Generation is hurting its own interests by blocking the streets, Der Standard argues: A good cause is being increasingly brought ...