L'Opinion warns against putting too much strain on public finances - and trying to balance them through higher taxes: Government and ...
The new prime minister will face a difficult task, L'Opinion believes: Michel Barnier has a lot going for him, not least his undisputed ...
L'Opinion complains: Macron had several options. He could have put an end to his disregard for the parliamentary minority and proposed a ...
Reactions to the right-wing governing coalition in the Netherlands have been far too muted compared to when this happened in other ...
Attal's youth may not necessarily work to his advantage in the long term, L'Opinion explains: Everywhere in Europe, political leaders are ...
L'Opinion praises the initiative as a courageous and urgent compromise: Certainly, Emmanuel Macron can be accused of sacrificing a little ...
Unlike certain sections of the opposition, President Emmanuel Macron has done quite well in this latest wave of unrest, L'Opinion puts in: ...
The embattled president must now rely on the backing of those who have had enough of the protests, says L'Opinion: Reacting in the storm of ...
The conservative Les Républicains need to change their strategy, L'Opinion concludes: France is right-wing, it votes right-wing and is ...
L'Opinion spurs the government on: Finally! After many failed attempts and delays, the pension reform is at last underway. Now France will ...