Adevărul is calling for public offices to be held by competent lateral entrants in future: Negotiations have begun, but they should be ...
In Adevărul journalist Ion M. Ionita calls for different approach to irrigation: In Romania, 30 years on, we are still talking about vast ...
The USR is going through a serious leadership crisis, writes journalist Ion M. Ioniță in Adevărul: This phenomenon is hitting almost all ...
The soaring electricity and gas prices could trigger a chain reaction in Romania, Adevărul warns: Many families will soon not earn enough ...
This alliance will not last long, Adevărul blogger Ion Ionita predicts: It is true that this coalition would have a comfortable majority. ...
Adevărul says the PNL should try to see this crisis as an opportunity: In surveys, more than 80 percent of respondents say the country is ...
Adevărul criticises that governments have put off tackling the problem for decades: For 30 years, the companies in the coal industry have ...
The government faces an unsolvable dilemma, Adevărul sighs: If it spends all the money it said it would, the PNL government will collapse ...
Romanian society has freed itself from post-communism, writes journalist Ion M. Ioniță in a blog in Adevărul: Over the past 30 years the ...
The Romanians won't be taken for fools, Adevărul comments: The PSD has mobilised the entire propaganda machinery that it inherited from the ...