Kauppalehti was founded by the Finnish entrepreneurs' association in 1889 with the goal of promoting business in Finland. Today it is the country's leading business paper and appears five days a week. Kauppalehti's website offers a number of additional fee-based services, such as background information on real estate or companies.

Political orientation | Liberal |
Circulation | 101,500 (2017) |
Frequency of publication | Monday to Friday |
Visits | 1.000.000 - 5.000.000 |
Online payment model | Content partially fee-based |
Location | Helsinki, Finland |
Publisher | Alma Talent Oy |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1898 |
Address | Alvar Aallon katu 3 C, 00101 HELSINKI |
Phone | 00358 01 06 65 10 1 |
kl.onlinetoimitus@kauppalehti.fi | |
@KauppalehtiFi |