The crisis in the German car industry is the result of false expectations, says The Spectator: Building cars requires a lot of energy, and ...
Von der Leyen seems less interested in policies than in power, The Spectator criticises: The Green New Deal will be watered down. There ...
The new government won't give Germany the comprehensive economic reforms it needs, The Spectator fears: We are used to the cliche that ...
The EU should keep out of this dispute, says The Spectator: The EU doesn't rush to the aid of Deutsche Bank when a bond trade gets ...
The Spectator is appalled, saying the EU has let BMW and Volkswagen off far too lightly: For companies of this size, these sums are loose ...
The EU's plans will continue to strain relations with the US, The Spectator warns: President Biden's big idea is for a green energy plan to ...
The EU's penny-pinching is to blame for the vaccine crisis, says The Spectator: From the start, the EU decided the main issue was getting ...
The slow roll-out of vaccination campaigns in so many EU countries testifies to yet another failure of the Brussels bureaucracy, The ...
Further negotiations are useless from an economic point of view, The Spectator believes: Finally, with no deal already priced into ...
The EU's aid package is a drop in the ocean, The Spectator admonishes: A headline 25 euro billion fund has been agreed to fight the virus, ...